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Details of the postdoctoral positions
Project title
Mesoscopic quantum transport in 3D metals
Specific field of research
Max Planck Institute
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
Broad field of research
Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section
Short description of the group/project/topic of research

Our research group is interested in size-dependent phenomena in 3D quantum materials, including correlated electron systems, unconventional superconductors, topological materials or frustrated magnets. We pioneer focused ion beam based techniques to shape as-grown crystals with sub-micron precision into designed 3D architectures to probe, tune and non-perturbatively change the ground state.

In this project, we are interested in size-dependent transport of non-ohmic metals, including strange metal phases in high-Tc materials and ballistic/hydrodynamic electron flow in clean metallic conductors. The goal is to demonstrate such exotic correlations by reducing the size and changing the shape of micron-sized crystalline wires and determine their scaling relations. Akin to water in pipes, the size-dependent resistance is a fingerprint of the microscopic flow process. We aim to tackle both outstanding open conceptual questions, such as the mechanisms promoting hydrodynamics in solids, as well as more practically relevant ones as to use cases of such conductors.

A PhD in hard condensed matter with a strong background in correlated electron physics and expertise in cryogenic magnetotransport measurements is a necessary prerequisite, experience in clean-room fabrication processes or demonstrated use of Focused Ion Beams is a plus.

Our dynamic team is looking forward to meeting you!


Applicants have to upload their 

  • CV (including a publication list)
  • a summary of previous research
  • and a statement of interest
Additional requirements for the application
  • Most relevant paper published during PhD
  • A brief (~1p) proposal for a research project you would find interesting, given the scope and technical capabilities of the group. You may or may not actually do it, point is to express your interests and thoughts about fitting into the research of the group.
Contact person
Philip Moll