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Details of the postdoctoral positions
Project title
Biomedical microrobotics
Specific field of research
Materials Research
Max Planck Institute
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
Broad field of research
Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section
Short description of the group/project/topic of research

We are seeking a highly-motivated postdoctoral fellow to join our interdisciplinary team to work in the field of biomedical engineering on novel micro- and nanotools for targeted delivery and sensing.

Our lab has developed a number of technologies for biomedical applications, including magnetic nanorobotic systems that can penetrate tissues, and ultrasound technologies for wireless actuation and stimulation. 

We are seeking a motivated and creative physicist or engineer to develop microsystems for noninvasive therapeutic applications.

Candidates should hold a PhD degree in a relevant field and possess excellent experimental skills. Experience with developing and building setups, computational programming skills, as well as prior experience with magnetic fields and microscopy or spectroscopy is a plus. 

We offer a collaborative and interdisciplinary research environment, and access to state-of-the-art facilities.

Additional information

We are also based at Heidelberg University (Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Physics):


Applicants have to upload their 

  • CV (including a publication list)
  • a summary of previous research
  • and a statement of interest
Contact person
Peer Fischer