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Details of the postdoctoral positions
Project title
Postdoctoral position in experimental fluid dynamics
Specific field of research
Complex Systems
Max Planck Institute
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Broad field of research
Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section
Short description of the group/project/topic of research

The Max Planck Research Group on Turbulence and Wind Energy combines laboratory and field experiments to study the fundamental fluid dynamics associated with wind turbines and their wakes across a wide range of scales, with a particular focus on the role of atmospheric turbulence in these flows. 

This research project will focus on the role of turbulence in tip vortex breakdown and momentum entrainment in a wind turbine wake. Depending on the expertise of the applicant, the project may focus on laboratory experiments in the Variable Density Turbulence Tunnel or field measurements around full-scale wind turbines. In both cases, the project will aim to better understand the interactions between the atmospheric surface layer and wind turbine wakes, in particular vortex breakdown, turbulent transport processes, dispersion and the local microclimate. As such, the project will involve the development and implementation of novel experimental methods. Measurement techniques may involve Lagrangian particle tracking and/or (nanoscale) hot-wire anemometry along with conventional experimental techniques.

Additional information

We are looking for an enthusiastic and self-motivated early-career researcher with good communication skills to join our team. The candidate should have:

  • a PhD degree in physics, engineering, meteorology or a related field
  • research experience in experimental fluid dynamics, specifically optical flow measurement techniques or hot-wire anemometry
  • ability and desire to work in a diverse and international team
  • good command of English. German language skills are not required

The position is offered for three years. Salary and working hours follow the funding guidelines of the Max Planck Society for scientists: Salary according to the public service pay scale E13 TVöD-Bund, with 30 vacation days per year and a subsidy on the German public transportation ticket, along with access to career mentorship and training opportunities. The position is available immediately, but the start date is negotiable.

We are committed to achieving the highest level of excellence and diversity. Therefore, we particularly encourage applications from women and non-binary people. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. The Max Planck Society supports the compatibility of family and career and is certified according to the "berufundfamilie" (“job and family”) audit.

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization is an international research institute in Göttingen, Germany. It performs both experimental and theoretical fundamental scientific research and currently employs about 300 people. Göttingen is a university city with about 120 000 inhabitants, four Max Planck Institutes and various other academic research institutions, giving it a thriving international atmosphere at the heart of Germany.


Applicants have to upload their 

  • CV (including a publication list)
  • a summary of previous research
  • and a statement of interest
Additional requirements for the application
  • contact information for up to three references
  • undergraduate and graduate university transcripts
Contact person
Dr. Claudia E. Brunner
(+49)551 5176-316