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Details of the postdoctoral positions
Project title
Chromatin dynamics and biopysics in stem cell fate regulation
Specific field of research
Cell and Developmental Biology, Genetics
Max Planck Institute
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
Broad field of research
Biology & Medicine Section
Short description of the group/project/topic of research

Our research aims to uncover how mammalian tissues are formed, maintained, and regenerated through mechanochemical signaling and cellular interactions. Uncovering these regulatory principles will facilitate the development of regenerative therapies and more effective diagnostics and treatments against cancers. The successful candidate will join a dynamic and highly interdisciplinary research team in the analysis of stem cell fate regulation in tissue morphogenesis, maintenance or cancer, with a specific focus on the role of nuclear architecture and mechanics in this process. We pursue our research questions through a highly interdisciplinary research strategy that combines scale-bridging tools of bioengineering and biophysics, machine learning-based quantitative imaging, genome-wide analyses, and computational modeling with classic genetic and cell biology approaches. Our research is highly collaborative within the lab as well as through external collaborations with physicists, mathematicians and clinical oncologists.

Your profile

We are looking for a motivated team player with a great interest in stem cell mechanobiology. The applicant is required to hold PhD in biology, bioengineering, biochemistry, physics or a related field, as well as strong written and oral communication skills. The working language is of the lab is English; knowledge of the German language is not necessary. Experience in cell biology and imaging are required, experience in computational data analysis, modeling or bioinformatics are an advantage.


Applicants have to upload their 

  • CV (including a publication list)
  • a summary of previous research
  • and a statement of interest
Contact person
Sara Wickström
+49 (0) 251 70365 300