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Details of the postdoctoral positions
Project title
Molecular and/or computational analyses of transcription regulation
Specific field of research
Cell and Developmental Biology, Genetics
Max Planck Institute
Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences
Broad field of research
Biology & Medicine Section
Short description of the group/project/topic of research

The Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences is the largest institute of the Max Planck Society, hosting more than 40 research groups and more than 1,000 employees from over 50 nations. Our institute has an exceptional scientific breadth and is a leading international research institute.


About us

We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced postdoctoral researcher to join our team that investigates transcription and its regulation in vivo. Our model is cells, and we use multi-omics methods to investigate nascent transcription. Current open topics in transcription include the transitions between different phases of transcription, the hierarchy of transcription regulation, single molecule approaches and the understudied regulation of transcription by promoter-proximal early termination.

The team is a part of the current MPS president’s Department of Molecular Biology (MPI-NAT, Göttingen, Within this department we work collaboratively and intertwined with the project teams of Christian Dienemann and Michael Lidschreiber to investigate the process of transcription by RNA polymerases with a multifaceted approach that encompasses structural biology, biochemistry and multi-omics. These approaches, which are both orthogonal and synergistic, provide us with unparalleled insight into the molecular mechanism of transcription.


About the position

Individuals with a strong background in molecular biology, biochemistry, computational biology, or a related field are encouraged to apply for a postdoctoral position in our laboratory. The project will be tailored to the specific interests of the successful candidate, and the ideal applicant will have a strong background or motivation to pursue research in one or more of the following areas: uncovering the molecular mechanism of action of transcription regulators, dissecting a crucial transcription regulation mechanism, modeling transcription in silico, or developing a new method to explore nascent transcription. The team is eager to fill the position at the earliest opportunity, and the start date is negotiable.



Applicants have to upload their 

  • CV (including a publication list)
  • a summary of previous research
  • and a statement of interest
Additional requirements for the application
  • You have a doctoral degree or equivalent in biochemistry, molecular biology, computational biology or closely related fields and a proven track record.
  • Experience with transcription regulation, epigenetics, or muti-omics approaches is advantageous, but it is not a prerequisite for consideration.
  • You are curiosity-driven and have a passion for scientific discovery.
  • You have the ability to work independently and will thrive in an international, multidisciplinary, and collaborative environment.
  • Proficiency in scientific English is essential; German skills are not a prerequisite, as English is the working language of our team.
Contact person
Kristina Zumer
+49 551 201-2806