Details of the postdoctoral positions Project title Molecular simulations and AI-based modeling for visual proteomics City Frankfurt am Main Specific field of research Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Chemical Biology, Biophysics Computational Biology, Big Data, Machine Learning / AI Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute of Biophysics Broad field of research Biology & Medicine Section Short description of the group/project/topic of research We seek a postdoctoral fellow working at the interface of molecular simulations, AI-based 3D image analysis, cryo-electron tomography and light microscopy. By mapping the molecular content of living cells, we aim to create virtual models of the dynamic cellular architecture and elucidate key cellular functions. References: Additional information We offer a 3-year position in a vibrant and collaborative research environment, with state-of-the-art computing facilities and support in grant writing and career development.Our collaborators include Martin Beck, Beata Turonova and Florian Wilfling. Link to PI’s webpage Requirements Requirements Applicants have to upload their CV (including a publication list) a summary of previous research and a statement of interest Contact person Gerhard Hummer +496963032501