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Details of the postdoctoral positions
Project title
Postdoc or Senior Researcher Position in Psychology and Social Neuroscience (m/f/x)
Specific field of research
Max Planck Institute
Research Group Social Neuroscience
Broad field of research
Human Sciences Section
Short description of the group/project/topic of research

The positions ARE part of the Social Neuroscience Lab, scientifically headed by Prof. Dr. Tania Singer (,


The successful candidates will be involved in all aspects of research in the field of new projects, the Edu:Social School project and Edu:Social Healthcare project project. This is inspired by a previous successful project of the lab, the CovSocial-project ( which focused on strengthening resilience, social skills and mental health for the Berlin population while the Covid19-lockdown through several weeks of online mental training using mindfulness and especially a novel type of contemplative dyadic partner-based practice supported by an app. We now bring these programs into the educational and healthcare setting. Teachers as well as healthcare professionals are at high risk of burnout and need daily social skills such as empathy, perspective taking, and listening abilities for their everyday working life. We aim to assess the effects of these interventions on outcome measures as varied as psychological laboratory tasks, questionnaires, app-based ecological momentary assessment, biopsychological stress-, autonomic and AI-supported voice markers as well as more system-related measures (e.g., burnout rates, social network analyses, team- or classroom wellbeing and climate & system-level change markers etc.).


Your Tasks

  • Conduct psychological experiments in education/healthcare settings to measure the effects of mental training in different domains (e.g. theory of mind, attention, compassion, emotion regulation, prosocial behavior and cooperation).
  • Implement modern technologies to measure subjective well-being and socio-emotional experiences in everyday life, e.g. mobile phone and app-based methods and event sampling/EMA.
  • Develop new paradigms to assess system-related changes in wellbeing, social cohesion and performance of an entire school/clinic.
  • Collect biomarkers such as autonomic measures, stress-markers or novel AI-based voice-markers able to infer emotional processes from voice recordings in natural settings via the app.
  • Develop new paradigms involving assessment of dyadic synchronicity via voice markers as well as autonomic system measures
  • Use network analyses to measure system-changes

Your qualifications (PostDoc)

-          You have successfully completed your dissertation and may already have experience as a PostDoc. -          You have already successfully published at a high scientific level and made other excellent scientific achievements. 

  • You have expertise in biological, developmental, social psychology and/or social neuroscience and an interest in contemplative studies (e.g. mindfulness-based, compassion interventions and relational Dyad practices) and an interest in translational field research.
  • You have preferably a high command of German language already (help with testing).
  • Interest in working with teachers and healthcare professionals in translational research.
  • You have experience in the development and implementation of psychological experiments and in the use of modern technologies for the collection of psychological data in everyday life (e.g. web-app, voice decoding technology, EMA etc.)
  • In-depth excellent knowledge of modern statistical analysis methods (e.g. time series analysis, structural equation models, etc.) and the use of software packages (e.g. R, SPSS, MATLAB, etc.).
  • You are ideally already proficient with the analysis of longitudinal data using linear mixed models and latent growth / latent change models and have experience with structural equation models in the lavaan framework.
  • You enjoy to work in an international academic environment with innovative potential, high commitment to work as well as high expectations of work quality. -  You are able to work independently but also to work in a highly interactive team all working together on a project and your communication skills are excellent.


We offer:

Full-time positions with salary and benefits according to German TVöD Bund. The positions are initially designed for 3 years and devoted to research with no teaching required (but possible) and minimal administrative duties. The positions include support to attend workshops and conferences. The new team of researchers will further profit from a large support team and previous lab experience, as the lab has just completed a first large pilot study (study 1) within Edu:Social School with more than 200 teachers involved under the guidance of a team of three project coordinators and 12 mental mindfulness and Dyad trainers who just finished their training in the intervention protocols. Furthermore, the lab developed a project-specific app which is serving as backbone for the research and interventions.



Your application:

Interested individuals are encouraged to apply by submitting a cover/motivation letter (making sure to state your motivation to work in the Edu:Social project), their curriculum vitae, three work certificates/reference letters, proof of severe disability (if applicable), a list of publications and a research statement (maximum 3 pages) describing past accomplishments and an overview of the research program they would anticipate conducting within the Edu:Social School project. Applications should be sent to The position can be filled immediately. Please indicate in the cover letter when you could start. 

The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.


Applicants have to upload their 

  • CV (including a publication list)
  • a summary of previous research
  • and a statement of interest
Contact person
Dr. Juliane Domke
+49 30 23608-150